Welcome to Nyeusigrube

"We're the only country on earth stitched together by words and, most important, their dangerous progeny, ideas. And those ideas have had weight. They have had force, not just for us in our eternal dealings, but for the rest of the world." ~ Ken Burns

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A note on continuity

Continuity, when writing, means that you don't contradict previously established facts. If Jay Marinitch has hazel eyes in chapter one, he shoudn't have blue eyes in chapter twelve. And if a character was sleeping at 5am, they shouldn't be seen by another character at a coffee shop at that time.

This gets to be even more fun with sequels, especially when the previous books were published nine years ago.

Yes, I am finishing revisions on All Just Glass, and trying to make sure I don't give all you readers something to say, "Aha! You made a mistake!" about. I know you enjoy that, but I have to do my best to deny you the pleasure, anyway.

So back I go to reread Shattered Mirror, Post-it notes in hand, one more time before I turn this book in to Random House on Halloween. One nice coincidence is that ShatMir and AJG take place at pretty much this time of year. It's handy, being able to look out the window when I want a reference for weather.

I'm craving a pumpkin latte.


  1. Mmm, me too.

    And for the record, I love rereading ShatMir around this time of year. I still get all the same shivery good feelings that I got back in 8th grade after I somehow convinced a friend to lend me the book before she had even read it...

  2. I am honestly very, very excited about this book. All of your books are fabulous, especially Midnight Predator, but Shattered Mirror always ended on a note where you really wanted to know what happened. And now, we're going to find out! Yay! I also hope that after it is published, you'll put the sample chapters back up that used to be on the website because I thought it was fun and enlightening to read.

    I'm also really excited to meet Xeke and Ash! Finally we get to see them in published form! Yay!


  3. Finally you decide to add the weather. *glances outside* Let's see, chilly rain, variously pouring and drizzling. Typical October weather.


    I personally am craving apple cider. I loove harvest foods. Particularly apple-derived harvest foods. Though I wouldn't say no to some pumpkin seeds, as well.

  4. i am just so happpy that you will be having a new book coming out you are the best author i have read and i really enjoy your books.

  5. I can't wait to read AJG. Loved ShatMir a lot. YAY!!!
