In addition to my publishing and teaching obligations and this writing pastime I can't seem to give up, I manage and maintain this website. The official website is managed by Random House- you can find it at
This website is more of a pet project of mine, one which sadly must come after other obligations, which means updates are sometimes haphazard and may reflect my playing with new code as much as anything else. If you're looking for some of the most up-to-date information on the web, you should check out The Haven, a great fan-run website:
This incarnation of the Den of Shadows webpage has three main sections (the blog, the wiki, and a message board) and assorted other goodies.
The Message Board has, for a long time now, been the heart of the Den of Shadows. The board is massive, with areas for off-topic chatter, discussion of the books, sharing of fan art, and a wonderfully supportive forum for writers (young, old, unpublished, published). You can ask questions directly of your favorite characters in the "Ask the Residents" forum, or speculate about the meaning of life in Nyeusigrube. I spend a lot of time on this board, so if you're hoping to hear from me, this is your best bet.
The Blog is updated semi-frequently, with news about my life, publishing, and site updates. It also has a "quick facts" panel including information about upcoming book releases, and basic info like my age. I read all comments left there, though I do not always reply.
The Wiki is fake, but still contains information. We had a real Wiki, but I lack the technological knowledge to close up security holes, and the Den of Shadows got hacked, so I switched to the Wiki-Blog. Only a few people have access, but at least it's not just me. The Wiki is fairly new, but potentially includes all sorts of information about the world, characters, organizations, and books.
The For Writers section of the website has been under construction forever, a fact for which I apologize. Someday... someday...
This site also occasionally hosts side projects, some of which are purely humorous ("Reality: Nyeusigrube") and some of which are longer, semi-canon projects designed to bridge the gap between recently finished books. Inbox of Diana Smoke, an interlude between All Just Glass and Poison Tree, is now complete.
So, to be short-and-sweet, Welcome to Nyeusigrube. Explore; have fun!