Welcome to Nyeusigrube

"We're the only country on earth stitched together by words and, most important, their dangerous progeny, ideas. And those ideas have had weight. They have had force, not just for us in our eternal dealings, but for the rest of the world." ~ Ken Burns

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 3

Edit: I wrote these posts ahead of time, but occasionally I might add a note. In this case, I'm responding to a comment left on Day 1. My NaNo name is Neserarai. I don't add many people as buddies (because they don't all show up, and I want to be able to see my friends' bars), but you're welcome to add me.

"Novel writing is a fantastic one-player game. But it's also an ideal opportunity to spend time with friends" – Chris Baty, No Plot No Problem

Prompts of the Day: Your character notices someone behaving very strangely.


Include the following line(s) [edit pronouns/tense/etc if necessary]: "I'll make a man out of you."

Tip of the Day
: Writing is normally a very solitary occupation, but it can be beneficial to have friendly support and/or competition. Join the Nyeusigrube daily rant thread, or check out any local NaNo events in your region (through the official NaNo site).

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