Welcome to Nyeusigrube

"We're the only country on earth stitched together by words and, most important, their dangerous progeny, ideas. And those ideas have had weight. They have had force, not just for us in our eternal dealings, but for the rest of the world." ~ Ken Burns

Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 29 - Almost there!

"Life can't ever really defeat a writer who is in love with writing, for life itself is a writer's lover until death - fascinating, cruel, lavish, warm, cold, treacherous, constant."

~Edna Ferber, A Kind of Magic, 1963

Prompts of the Day:

Here's a great one from Kml: The ending you thought out, planned for, and truly hoped for doesn't happen! Completely change the end of your novel, destroying your characters' hopes just in time for the most unlikely person/thing to save the day. Or just twist the ending so that even you end up surprised by how things turn out.

1 comment:

  1. The ending you thought out, planned for, and truly hoped for doesn't happen! Completely change the end of your novel, destroying your characters' hopes just in time for the most unlikely person/thing to save the day. Or just twist the ending so that even you end up surprised by how things turn out.
